Monday, March 26, 2012


Hi friends,

I am working on a web-site, where I want to present a strategyplan that are stored in a database. I have created the online ASPX page, but now I want to create a "Print me." button. I want to controll the pageshifts and so on, so I have planned to use ReportViewer.

Basically the report should consists of 6 pages:

1) Frontpage, telling that it is "STRATEGYPLAN FOR COMPANY X, FOR PERIOD XXXX TO XXXX"
2) Page 2: Vision, Mission and other explanations.
3) Page 3: Informations about what to do with the market.
4) Page 4: Informations about what to do with the business processes.
5) Page 5: Informations about what to do with the Employees.
6) Page 6: Informations about what to do with the Finances.

Is that possible to do in reportviewer?

I would like to learn, so if someone could tell me how to do it with static texts (and no databaselookups), then that would be a great step.

I am totally new to ASP.NET, so I hope this is the right forum.

I think you're going to have to break you query up over several forums. But if you want, you can create 6 queries. One for each "page". Use a List control on your form and assign each list a datasource. For each list, select the 'Insert Page Break at end of list'.

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