Hi Everyone,
Can anyone tell me how to use my resx files to translate the header and footer values in a ReportViewer Report (rdlc file)? I'm missing something here!
Hi, jekerry:
Do you need to localize the Reports in the Reporting service. If so, i just recommend you to use this following tech to achieve this:
As localization is not a built-in feature for Reporting Services, people have tried a a variety of techniques for localizing reports. One technique is to use the LocID propertie to create a version of the RDL in each language. Another approach is to have a single report and create a custom assembly to load the strings for each label. Here is an relatively easy technique for providing localized reports using hidden parameters.
First, you will need to create a table to hold the translations. The following T-SQL will create the table and add a few labels for translating the Product Line Sales sample that is included with the product.
If i misunderstand you about your question, please feel free to correct me and i will try to help you with more information.
I hope the above information will be helpful. If you have any issues or concerns, please let me know. It's my pleasure to be of assistance
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Thank you so much! How depressing!!! Why would they add a new control without localization support?? I am very depressed. That is a very ugly work around. Maybe I will look into Crystal Reports.
|||Woo hoo! I found a way to use my resx files!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can now change the column headers automatically to any language. Very cool. Just add a second datatable, fill it with the header values, and reference them.
One problem solved!
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