Monday, March 26, 2012

ReportService.asmx vs. ReportService2005.asmx

Hi All,
This may be a simple question, but when I am adding a web reference to Reporting Services (using SQL Server 2005), should I pick ReportService.asmx or ReportService2005.asmx?

In SQL Server 2000, we chose ReportService.asmx (obviously), but in SQL Server 2005 there's another choice, ReportService2005.asmx. So, I don't know which one to choose (or if it even matters).

Also, do I need to add a web reference to ReportExecution2005.asmx?

It basically means that RS 2005 still supports the old RS 2000 SOAP
endpoint. Consequently, your applications built against the RS 2000 web
service will still work with a RS 2005 server and you will get the same
behavior as on RS 2000.

If however you want to take advantage of many new features in RS 2005, you
will need to switch your applications to the new RS 2005 SOAP endpoint.

-- Robert

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