Monday, March 26, 2012


I restored a wrong copy of a db, since then I that restored the correct
version. during the execution of the reports in report services I get an
error that read *** 'reportServerTempdb.dbo.persitedstream' ** this message
is sparatic, at time the reports are displayed other time I get that error,
the db backup was done an 2005, after I restored the latest version of the d
I reapplied RP services sp2 and I still get the error. Please if this is a
setting that I am missing or what I screwed up.
Thanks in advanceThis issue was fixed by reapplying report services SP2 correctly.
"ITDUDE27" wrote:

> Hi,
> I restored a wrong copy of a db, since then I that restored the correct
> version. during the execution of the reports in report services I get an
> error that read *** 'reportServerTempdb.dbo.persitedstream' ** this messag
> is sparatic, at time the reports are displayed other time I get that error
> the db backup was done an 2005, after I restored the latest version of the
> I reapplied RP services sp2 and I still get the error. Please if this is
> setting that I am missing or what I screwed up.
> Thanks in advancesql

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