My ReportServerTempDB is full regularly .I had to shirink the database on regular interval though i schedule for shirinking on 30 minutes.But as soon there is any exception due to scripting the log is full and my all report manaer throws error.
After shirinking the ReportServerTempDB the reports starts working fine.
Please Help me to remove this frequent error.
It's more than likely the chunkdata table. That table stores the session cache and cached instances of your reports. The information is stored in an intermediary format (pre-rendering) which means that it contains data, too.Each time a report is run with a different query parameter, a new cached instance is created. That can add up and quickly grow your ReportServerTempDb database.
One technique to minimize this is to create a rather generic query that returns a superset of the data needed so that only one copy of the report is cached. You can then apply filters to that cached instance.
You can also adjust the cache expiration policies.
There's good document on SSRS scalability here. HTH... Joe
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