Monday, March 12, 2012

Reports deployment

Our production environment sits on a different domain, behind a firewall. We
need to deploy our reports to our production server, but can't deploy to the
other domain. Also we are avoiding putting VS .NET on the production server
by not installing the Report Designer.
So, I was thinking we could deploy the reports to CD to get them to the
production domain. This is our first foray with RS.. is there an
article/resource where we can learn more about what specific files we need to
JanYou have two options. One is to put your rds and rdl files onto a CD and go
to a PC in the other domain that has Report Designer on it and use that to
deploy to the server. Note that Report Designer does not need to be on the
server. Your other choice is to write a deployment script/app that takes and
deploys your reports. Note that deployment is not copying files. Report
Server is putting the reports into the database. No rdl files exist on your
server. SOAP (web services) are used by the Report Designer to deploy and
you can do the same thing.
What is the reason you can't deploy to your server, that it is on another
domain? I would think that deploying to another domain should be possible.
Search this newsgroup with deploy as the subject and you will find a variety
of posts. In particular Teo mentions creating a script. Another one talks
about deploying to a server in another domain.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Jan" <> wrote in message
> Our production environment sits on a different domain, behind a firewall.
> need to deploy our reports to our production server, but can't deploy to
> other domain. Also we are avoiding putting VS .NET on the production
> by not installing the Report Designer.
> So, I was thinking we could deploy the reports to CD to get them to the
> production domain. This is our first foray with RS.. is there an
> article/resource where we can learn more about what specific files we need
> deploy?
> thx,
> Jan|||Thanks Bruce, that is a big help.
It would be possible to deploy across domains if our security dept permitted
it. Our production domain is locked down with very limited access for
security reasons.
"Bruce L-C [MVP]" wrote:
> You have two options. One is to put your rds and rdl files onto a CD and go
> to a PC in the other domain that has Report Designer on it and use that to
> deploy to the server. Note that Report Designer does not need to be on the
> server. Your other choice is to write a deployment script/app that takes and
> deploys your reports. Note that deployment is not copying files. Report
> Server is putting the reports into the database. No rdl files exist on your
> server. SOAP (web services) are used by the Report Designer to deploy and
> you can do the same thing.
> What is the reason you can't deploy to your server, that it is on another
> domain? I would think that deploying to another domain should be possible.
> Search this newsgroup with deploy as the subject and you will find a variety
> of posts. In particular Teo mentions creating a script. Another one talks
> about deploying to a server in another domain.
> --
> Bruce Loehle-Conger
> MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
> "Jan" <> wrote in message
> > Our production environment sits on a different domain, behind a firewall.
> We
> > need to deploy our reports to our production server, but can't deploy to
> the
> > other domain. Also we are avoiding putting VS .NET on the production
> server
> > by not installing the Report Designer.
> >
> > So, I was thinking we could deploy the reports to CD to get them to the
> > production domain. This is our first foray with RS.. is there an
> > article/resource where we can learn more about what specific files we need
> to
> > deploy?
> >
> > thx,
> > Jan

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