Monday, February 20, 2012

Reporting Services: Deserialization Failed


I have an SSRS 2000 report which has been unchanged in months. I've been asked to make a few changes and when i attempt to open the report in 2003 i get the following warning and error message.

Warning 1 Deserialization failed: The table "table1" has rows with a different number of cells than the number of the columns in the table (including cells that span more than one column). Line 9, position 23479. 9 0

Error 2 [rsWrongNumberOfTableCells] The table ‘table1’ has rows that contain a different number of cells than the number of the columns in the table (including cells that span more than one column). C:\Documents and Settings\Leigh.Moore.VETS4PETS\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\Report Project1\Report Project1\Daily Sales - Invoiced.rdl 0 0

Has anyone come across this problem and can anyone suggest how i rectify it as i really don't want to have to create the report from scratch.

Thanks in advance,


I come accross this problem everytime I try to edit the sql query in the rdl.

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