Saturday, February 25, 2012

Reporting, notification options for MSDE??

We use MSDE for one, and soon two, of our applications. A key request
we get is for notifications and reports. Thus, when I started looking
into Reporting Services and Notifications, I had an AHA moment. Only
to be shot down by the fact that one technically, and the other from
a licensing POV, require SQL server to work... :-(
Anyone know about anything on the horizon for MSDE-utilizing ISV's
that will give us "in the box" capabilities we can sell through to
our customers? It's a shame that Reporting Services and Notification
Services seem to be effectively unavailable for the MSDE ISV
I would not think it is shame for MS that MSDE does not come with Reporting
service and notification service. Hey, MSDE is very powerful for its price,
free!. If it comes with all bels and whistles that SQL Server has, how can
MS (or any business) make money?
Since you have already get such powerful database engine with no cost, shell
out a few hundred to get some fairly good third party report tools isn't a
difficult option, such as ActiveReport. Even MS Access is a perfect
reporting tool since the broad used base of MS Office (Pro).
"WM" <> wrote in message
> We use MSDE for one, and soon two, of our applications. A key request
> we get is for notifications and reports. Thus, when I started looking
> into Reporting Services and Notifications, I had an AHA moment. Only
> to be shot down by the fact that one technically, and the other from
> a licensing POV, require SQL server to work... :-(
> Anyone know about anything on the horizon for MSDE-utilizing ISV's
> that will give us "in the box" capabilities we can sell through to
> our customers? It's a shame that Reporting Services and Notification
> Services seem to be effectively unavailable for the MSDE ISV
> community.
|||It's not a matter of cost - I would pay redist rights for tools
explicitly engineered by MS for use with SQL. I love the fact that
MSDE is available - that it is free is even better. But to have the
ability to generate reports that work as well as Reporting Services
or alerts as rich as Notification Services can would be great...
That said, we will be using third party tools for this, since
Microsoft does not make them available (at any rate) to ISV's for
4/6/2005 2:30:11 PM
Norman Yuan <NotReal@.NotReal.not> wrote in message

> I would not think it is shame for MS that MSDE does not come with
> service and notification service. Hey, MSDE is very powerful for
its price,
> free!. If it comes with all bels and whistles that SQL Server has,
how can
> MS (or any business) make money?
> Since you have already get such powerful database engine with no
cost, shell
> out a few hundred to get some fairly good third party report tools
isn't a[vbcol=seagreen]
> difficult option, such as ActiveReport. Even MS Access is a perfect
> reporting tool since the broad used base of MS Office (Pro).
> "WM" <> wrote in message
> news:utIiQatOFHA.508@.TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
|||Hi WM,
You'll like the news on the new reporting controls in VS.NET 2005 that will
work with SQL Express then :-)
I quite agree that not having an offering at the MSDE level was an issue.
I've been talking with the product guys about it for ages. ISV's don't want
to have two different reporting strategies or write reports twice.
Personally, I'd like to see an identical feature set from SQL Express up to
SQL Standard Edition and have the differences be limitations on resources
only. That way, ISV's could write apps that target the "platform" and many
customers would just migrate up through the editions as their needs grow.
And the more features like reporting services that are thrown into the
mixture, the faster the resource limitations would be exceeded :-)
Just my 2c though.
Greg Low [MVP]
MSDE Manager SQL Tools
"WM" <> wrote in message
> It's not a matter of cost - I would pay redist rights for tools
> explicitly engineered by MS for use with SQL. I love the fact that
> MSDE is available - that it is free is even better. But to have the
> ability to generate reports that work as well as Reporting Services
> or alerts as rich as Notification Services can would be great...
> That said, we will be using third party tools for this, since
> Microsoft does not make them available (at any rate) to ISV's for
> redistribution...
> 4/6/2005 2:30:11 PM
> Norman Yuan <NotReal@.NotReal.not> wrote in message
> <e4xB#7tOFHA.1176@.TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl>
> Reporting
> its price,
> how can
> cost, shell
> isn't a
> request
> looking
> Only
> from
> ISV's
> to
> Notification
|||Cool - thanks for the insight Greg...
4/6/2005 6:48:57 PM
"Greg Low [MVP]" <> wrote in message

> Hi WM,
> You'll like the news on the new reporting controls in VS.NET 2005
that will
> work with SQL Express then :-)
> I quite agree that not having an offering at the MSDE level was an
> I've been talking with the product guys about it for ages. ISV's
don't want
> to have two different reporting strategies or write reports twice.
> Personally, I'd like to see an identical feature set from SQL
Express up to
> SQL Standard Edition and have the differences be limitations on
> only. That way, ISV's could write apps that target the "platform"
and many
> customers would just migrate up through the editions as their needs
> And the more features like reporting services that are thrown into
> mixture, the faster the resource limitations would be exceeded :-)
> Just my 2c though.
> Regards,
> --
> Greg Low [MVP]
> MSDE Manager SQL Tools
> "WM" <> wrote in message
> news:OGmALmuOFHA.3048@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...

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